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Passing C++ STL Strings vs. String Views at the Windows C API Boundary -- Giovanni Dicanio

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A common question that is often asked is whether C++ STL string objects (like std::string/wstring) or string views (e.g. std::wstring_view) should be passed as string parameters at Windows C-interface API boundaries. The following articles tries to shed some light on this subject, answering that question:

Passing C++ STL Strings vs. String Views as Input Parameters at the Windows C API Boundary

by Giovanni Dicanio

From the article:

Passing STL std::[w]string objects at Win32 API boundaries is common for C++ code that calls into Win32 C-interface APIs. When is it safe to pass *string views* instead?

(...) the code will work fine. In fact, the wstring::c_str() method is guaranteed to return a null-terminated C-style string pointer.

On the other hand, if you pass a string view like std::wstring_view in that context, you’ll likely get some subtle bugs! Try experimenting with the above API and something like “Connie is learning C++” and string views!


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