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Public Test Server is now available!

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Hey all,

I've setup a public test server for players and developers to come out and test Horizon. Download the default client 2019-05-30aRagexe from our Client Releases section and change the ip address You can connect to the server, create an account using the "_m" and "_f" methods. You will be taken to the character select window where you can create your character. And log into the zone server. 

The server will be updated every once or twice a month depending on the changes being made. You can use basic commands such as @skillpoint @statpoint @warp etc. You can also stat up and start killing monsters just for fun. Or create items with @item and wear them.

Please know that at this point there are a lot of bugs and issues with the server and we're not readily hosting a game server, it is just a community server and a testing platform. If you find any bugs and errors please report them here on our forums.

Thanks and have a nice day.

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