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Reflection-based JSON in C++ at Gigabytes per Second -- Daniel Lemire


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portrait2018.jpgJSON is a widely-used format for data exchange, but in C++, handling JSON efficiently can be challenging. While current solutions like simdjson offer high-speed processing, upcoming features in C++26, such as powerful reflection, promise to simplify and accelerate the serialization and deserialization of JSON, making it both faster and more convenient for developers.

Reflection-based JSON in C++ at Gigabytes per Second

by Daniel Lemire

From the article:

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular format for storing and transmitting data. It uses human-readable text to represent structured data in the form of attribute–value pairs and arrays. E.g., {"age":5, "name":"Daniel", toys:["wooden dog", "little car"]}. Ingesting and producing JSON documents can be a performance bottleneck. Thankfully, a few JSON parsers such as simdjson have shown that we can process JSON at high speeds, reaching gigabytes per second.

However, producing and ingesting JSON data can remain a chore in C++. The programmer often needs to address potential errors such as unexpected content.

Yet, often, the programmer only needs to map the content to and from a native C/C++ data structure.

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